Goodbye to Mofo'n 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012

'Tis that time of year when we reflect on all of the ups and downs, hits and misses, and ish we'd rather just not remember.

I started thinking about it, what song sums up how I feel about this year? Check this out..

YES LAWD TEDDY P! *throws pannies* wayment.. lemme bring it back around to the point of this blog.

The lyrics in the song: Looking back, over the years, I guess I've shedded some tears..

Let's see, I can honestly say this year, while I may not have shed as many tears as before, I reflected alot on the tears that I have shed in the past. What you mean Meik? I'm so glad you asked.. and since I haven't made a list in a while, here goes.. My top 10 lessons learned in 2012:

10. My high school crush, ooooh weeee baby jeezus he is as fine today as he was back then.. but I've learned that fine ain't enough, you have to bring your A game to the table and that means if you can't respect me, then I have ZERO respect for you. Respect is a two way street.

9. It's great to be a cheerleader for folks, but when it becomes draining, it's time to put some distance in between you and them. Besides, we all have our own issues, you can't save yourself if you're too busy trying to help everyone else solve their problems.

8. Online dating ain't for Meik Meik. Read past blogs you'll understand.

7. This particular lesson was a hard one to take... you can't please everyone. For a virgo that is unheard of, that is our quest in life to be so perfect that you can't help but love everything we do.. eh.. don't work that way.

6. In my journey of reconnecting with God (and I'm pretty sure I haven't blogged on this yet, but this will become clearer in 2013) that I have learned a better understanding of ENJOY the process, and not to just ENDURE it. So for example, instead of complaining about this dead end job, you have to take and aborb everything that you can, learn, and apply it to whatever it is you're trying to do and maybe then the door will just open (or I'm not opposed to finding a bull dozer to knock the mofo down but I digress)

5. If you STAY ready, you won't have to GET ready. You never know when opportunity will knock. NETWORKING is key.

4. You can be helpful and look out for folks all you want to, but when you need something, those same folks are often nowhere to be found. It's better to pay attention to the red flags and realize who is only out for self.

3. I can only really depend on me, myself, and I and God.

2. I finally dealt with some ish in the past that was preventing me from moving forward. I can finally say I am truly over King Mofo and thank him for all the ups and downs and sideways roller coasters because without them, I wouldn't be who I am and able to distinguish mofo ish today. *bangs tambourine*

1. I finally learned how to Let GO and Let GOD. AMEN. *the weight on my shoulders was finally lifted this year*

I say all that to say is 2012 wasn't completely a bust, it was a learning experience. There were some definite highlights like getting eyeballed by Joe Jackson, getting to see The Jacksons peform in concert, being able to visit MJ's resting place and saying a final goodbye, to meeting Dennis Edwards from the Temptations and him telling me..well, that's none of y'alls biznass lol, to going to cover my first red carpet event, and making some awesome friends along the way. Writing for has allowed me to meet/talk to some pretty fab people that have passed their wisdom onto me. I could go on and on about the highlights of my year, but I won't. (at least not now, I have ish to go do LOL)

I pray that you all have a wonderful and prosperous 2013! The Mofo Chronicles has soooo much more in store in 2013 so stay tuned!

So.. What did you learn this year?

Happy New Year!

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  1. You've had an awesome year and the best is yet to come. Go get it.

  2. Again doll sister your blog has left me smiling from the inside out!


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