Mofo Checkin in and Catchin Up

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Helllurrrrr my dear Mofo Chronicle-ites! It's been a minute, but I'm back. Let me catch you up on a couple of things before I dig my heels back into blogging...

1. You can catch me on twitter @mofochronicles where the foolishness is always ongoing!

2. I write for so you can make sure you peep out my interviews with some of your favorite old school artists such as Cherrelle, Lenny Williams, Dave Tolliver, H-Town or some of the newer artists such as El Debarge Jr. and Jason Weaver.. yes.. I said Jason Weaver.. aka lil MJ.. aka Teddy from ATL...aka Marcus from Smart Guy.. you get the point.. anyhoo.. that's what has been keeping me hella busy..

3. My newest venture.. Every Tuesday, you can check me out on The Social Hour (website is get over there and sign the guestbook and show some love!!) The Social Hour can be heard every Tues from 7-9pm PST (adjust accordingly for your time zone) and its just real talk, grown folks conversation, no holds barred on Urban Soul Radio (that website is so make sure you hit us up, call in and chat with us.. I should tell you, because of the time difference I'm NOT on there the entire show, just a portion, but that shouldn't stop you from tuning in.. there will be a pop quiz! lol. Make sure to like The Social Hour page on facebook too!

Stay Tuned.. its about to get crraaaaazy round cheeaaaaa!!


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