Gone Too Soon

Friday, March 23, 2012

What's happenin fam?

This week has been tough. A man that I respected and thought of as a dear friend passed away this week. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this, so for me the best way to do that is to write. So bear with me, I'll be rambling, sniffing and snotting and laughing about my memories.
Now, some folks may be thinking why is this man so important... well, if it weren't for him, The Mofo Chronicles probably wouldn't exist..

Stroll with me down memory lane for a min, back to 1998. Xavier Timothy Hall puts the word out on the street that he is casting for a fashion show. Well, hell, that's right up my alley, so of course I went to the meeting and being the great guy Tim was, he just let whoever showed up at that meeting be in the show. That first fashion show is key for a few reasons:
1. I met the man that I thought I was going to marry and have lil brown babies and skip off into the sunset with aka KING MOFO *blink blink blink blink* (find past blogs for that info..I'm not rehashing that story right now)
2. I learned my way around a stage
3. I became more comfortable with myself
4. I was able to stop thinking so much on stage, and just let it flow
5. Most importantly, I learned how to not take things so seriously, and to just have fun and LAUGH

I can remember for that first show begging Tim to let me be in the bridal portion of the show..I wanted to sashay across that stage with a dress and get my model on ..ya'll don't hear me lol. Tim only had 3 or 4 dresses..and 6 girls, well, I won that round LOL.. (guess he taught me how to go for what I want and not to give up til I get it)

Next up Tim wrote a play.. A tribute to Black History -at the time I didn't really grasp the magnitude of this thang, and being silly college students, we didn't really even learn our lines.. rehearsals in Tim's apartment, me being bossy wanting to rewrite stuff, but in the end, the show turned out well.. let me tell you why.. because Tim was so easy going, and he encouraged us to ad-lib, just get the point across that we are paying a tribute to black history, we rattled off names of blacks that impacted the world and paved the way for us (and had no clue who any of them were..sad I know), but this particular show,it was a play and a fashion show, but Tim incorporated local talent, young girls that he was trying to help build their self esteem, keep them from hanging out with the wrong crowds, and allow them to see black people that they can look up to, again, all that went over my head back then. Anyway, we did tributes to the Motown greats, the Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, and The Supremes. I recall right before I was supposed to go out on stage as Diana Ross, Tim says, we have the wrong music, but don't let that stop you.. again, I learned how to roll with it, and this particular show, I started to learn that I like talking out the side of my neck and making people laugh. We tackled topics such as segregation, racism and the list goes on and on. I can honestly say, when I look back on my college experience, those productions are part of the highlights and helped shape who I became.

I can recall the many talks that Tim and I had about my goals and dreams and he always encouraged me. Of course as life goes on, people lose touch with each other, but I reconnected with Tim via Facebook a few years ago. I discovered he was still crazy, and learned that he was doing big things himself, he was following another dream of his as a comedian. He worked his full time job, took care of his children, and still hit the road to do what he loved, and that passion allowed him to work with the likes of Steve Harvey and other comedians that have been on BET etc..

The last time I saw Tim, he was performing for our alumni reunion, but I missed his performance munking around with King Mofo (again, a whole nutha story) but I did catch him before he left and got the chance to give him a big ole hug and tell him how crazy he was and that I'm proud of him.

Over the past couple of years, we just talked on fb, leaving crazy comments on each others statuses, and as much as I blink blink blink.. I met my match cuz he'd blink my arse right back down lol. He also loved Michael Jackson just like I do and would go to a mofo's throaK yes.. THROAK if they talk out of pocket about him. He would come up with the most craziest things for me to ask some of the artists that I have interviewed for Soul Train, but chile I ain't even bout to fix my lips to ask some of the things he wanted to know lol. The past few days, I keep waiting on Tim to post that he was just kidding..that he's not really gone, and I keep posting the most ridiculous statuses, waiting on him to call me out and blink at me, but of course, he's not going to.

In December, Tim had a brain tumor removed and he was fighting his way back to being well again so he could return to the stage. Unfortunately, he lost..no.. no..he didn't lose, because he beat the odds, doctors didn't expect him to make it this long.. and with the grace of God, Tim was able to celebrate his birthday, and see just how loved he was, so for that I am glad. Read about his experience here..his last interview just 2 weeks before he died: http://douglassalumni.blogspot.com/2012/03/xavier-tim-hall-sometimes-you-just.html?m=1

Anyway, I'm rambling, but I know that Tim is in heaven on a stage telling jokes, and maybe just maybe MJ is in the audience cracking up at him. If I had the chance to talk to him one more time, I would tell him Thank You. (then I'd ask him why didn't he intervene and keep me away from King Mofo ..I kid, but I would....blink. blink. blink..) My heart breaks for his children, his family, fiance, and all of his friends and fans, but I do know this.. he wouldn't want folks crying, he would want folks laughing ..because as he says "Laughter is good for the Soul".. so I leave y'all with this.. no matter what you are going through in your life, never lose your sense of humor.. it's the best medicine that you can get for free :-) well.. never mind..Imma leave that alone. Tim has inspired me, in the short time he was on this earth he managed to accomplish his goals and dreams and maintain a positive attitude despite his health problems. I will always try to remember his outlook on life the next time (which will probably be in a few hours) I feel the urge to complain and whine about my job, or any other issues that I have going on. Thank you Tim for reminding me to stay positive.

RIP Xavier Timothy Hall.. You will be missed dearly, but never forgotten!


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  1. Very well written tribute to Mr. Xavier Timothy Hall..I'm sure he would be very proud and impressed with the tribute you wrote and how he touched your life..
    R.I.P. Mr Hall!!!!


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